( LLC ) Limited Liability Company

If you are Considering to Develop your amazon Seller Profile While Protecting Your Business and Personal assets Forming and LLC in U.S is the best Choice if you are selling product in Amazon as a sole proprietor, without Forming an LLC You are Leaving Your Self Personally liable if any customer has Any Problem with an item Which You are Trying to Self on Amazon.

( EIN ) Employer Identification Number

The SS4 the is IRS form Required to Obtain an EIN ( Employer Identification Number Frequently Called a Tax ID Number) The EIN/ Tax ID Number Can be Thought of as a Social Security Number For Your Business. It is usually required to open a bank account in the name of Business and to property pay and account for any wage pay roll employees in your company.

( ITIN ) Individaul taxpayer Identification Number

An ITIN stand for individual Taxpayer Identification Number. It is a 9 digit Number issued by internal Revenue Service(IRS) and Valid for three year. INTIN are allotted to Those People who don't have to social security Number or are not eligible to obtain SSN. The purpose of ITIN is too use four taxes filing with the IRS.


Amazon uses electronic transfers to pay your sales proceeds to you. Before you can receive payments, your seller account must specify a bank account for amazon to deposit money into. They cannot transfer funds to a credit card or online payment system such as PayPal.

U.S-Tax-Returns-For Business

f you would like to use our services to filing your annual report please place the order and a representative from LLCFBA will contact you to obtain detailed information which would be essential to complete and file the annual report in your state.

File An Annual Report For LLC

If you’ve incorporated as a business As an LLC, you must file an annual report, normally with your state’s Secretary of State. This applies to all big or small businesses. The purpose of an annual report is to keep your local state informed on any changes to the details or ownership of your entity, For instance, if your entity has changed the facility locations or has new managers or directors.

Disclaimer : This information is made available by LLCFBA.com, (the “Company”), and is intended for educational purposes only, and it is not legal or tax advice. No action should be taken in reliance on any information in or on this site without verification with legal or tax counsel, after review of the facts and current law, that the action to be taken is appropriate under the circumstance. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in writing by the Company, the materials contained on this site are provided on an “as-is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Company disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement as to the information, content and materials on and in the site. Company does not represent or warrant that materials on and in the site are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free.